About Us
The Janitors Supply Co., Inc.
…just an old fashioned company.
Since 1933, serving the building maintenance industry has brought us a world of change…and a greater appreciation of many “old fashioned” values on which our company was founded. As we reflect on our history and look toward the future, we reaffirm our commitment to these beliefs:
1. A business exists to serve its customers.
Business is, and always will be, about working with people toward the solution of their problems and the attainment of their goal. Our continued viability is directly tied to our ability to understand our customers concerns and to be responsive to their needs.
2. There is no substitute for personal service.
While we are fully aware of the efficiencies that can be affected by electronic answering machines, faxed literature and computerized exchange of information, we are convinced these efficiencies are generally more beneficial to the supplier than the customer. We believe our clients interests are best served by easy access to well trained representatives who have a personal stake in their satisfaction.
3. To be expert in a field you must specialize.
We are specialists in the field of building maintenance and sanitation. We don’t pretend to offer advice on interior decorating or office equipment selection. We do not sell stationary or computer paper, electrical or plumbing supplies, power tools or sporting equipment. We do know how to clean everything from an air conditioner to an oriental rug. We can make your office floors shine, your restrooms gleam, your factory floors wear longer and help you protect the health and safety of your personnel and customers. We can train your custodial staff, manage your inventory and cut your costs. In short, we are professionals in our field…we’ll leave interior decorating to those other guys.
4. The “Golden Rule” is still the most important rule of business.
We believe a customer should always benefit from our association. That honesty and integrity are the only solid basis for a relationship. That satisfied customers are our greatest asset, our best salesmen and the foundation on which we must build our future.
Our Locations
Fort Wayne
5005 Speedway Dr.
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Fax: 260-483-5598
Monday-Friday, 8-5
346 Industrial Drive
Anderson, IN 46017
Fax: 765-378-3308
Monday-Friday, 8-5